Summer Camp
Summer camp is the major summertime activity for the troop. Troop 226 utilizes Camp Karankawa and other council camps. Typically, about eighty percent of the boys
in the troop attend each year. The camp program runs for 6 days -- starting on a Sunday and finishing on a Saturday. We schedule our session the previous summer so parents know when their son will be at camp well in advance of other vacation plans. Please refer to the troop calendar for the date of summer camp. Camperships are available for boys who could not otherwise attend for financial reasons. However, the Scout must show significant effort in earning his way.
Established in 1944, Camp Karankawa is located on the shores of Lake Corpus Christi, near Mathis. This 130-acre Scout Camp includes 16 campsites, large swimming pool, waterfront area, canoes, kayaks, rowboats, COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) course, Scoutcraft areas, nature area and trails, archery range, rifle and shotgun ranges, campfire amphitheater, trading post, 300-person dining hall, and other camping facilities. Camp Karankawa is the place Scouts think about when they think summer camp! A quick glance through the camp and you will find a beautiful lake, hundreds of Scouts involved in dozens of activities, top notch facilities, and enthusiastic staff of Scouts and Scouters, and finally ... great food in the dining hall.
Camp is an integral part of the Scouting experience and for advancement in the Scouting ranks—and its loads of fun! We hope for 100% participation of all Scouts in the troop. It is our desire that financial hardship never be a
reason for not attending camp. If you require additional assistance in paying for summer camp please approach the Scoutmaster or Committee chair who can provide additional resources on a strictly confidential basis.